I am going to preface this with.....I had intended to start a new thread on the anniversary date. The post was written and ready to go, but I was in Florida, unable to post it from there, so.....I'm going ahead with it now...a bit late, but before we're into another month......
I have chosen to start a new thread....
To commemorate the 4th Anniversary date of April 21, 2012, when Txtumbleweed started us down the road to the Back Porch with the first thread......
With hopes that it will continue on for many more years to come...
To the sixth incarnation of the Back Porch
Being a charter member from the very first 55 and Older......which split into the two porches, I am honored to carry on what Txtumbleweed started and Mike had so beautifully continued.
For those who weren't fortunate enough to know him, Txtumbleweed was a friend, mentor and great story teller. A person who cared that we older folks had a comfortable place to ask questions, share knowledge, and our vaping journey. When that first thread was moved to the lounge because of too much chit chat and off topic posts......he started the Front and Back Porches, and guided those threads with a gentle hand.
The Front Porch, where posts were to be kept to vaping subjects, so as to keep it in the general discussion area of the forum, where new members to ECF could easily find it. The Back Porch is where we can all hang out, share our stories, pics, music, jokes, important life events, be they happy or sad. Just about any topic......within reason .... can be discussed here 
And if you wish to just keep it to vaping......please join in on The Front Porch
Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part Four
We've got a new Back Porch.....so pull out those chairs, rockers, recliners, put your feet up and enjoy. There is no age limit, no ID check....Many have come and gone, but all are WELCOME....and we hope you stay and sit a spell 
I wish to thank Mike for continuing this Porch that has become a home to many of us...and recently handing me the reins to carry it forward........which I will do for as long as I'm able.
Older People 55 and Up - precursor to Back Porch
Older Folks and Vaping - precursor to Front Porch
Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part 2
Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Three
Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Four
Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Five
Let's block ads! (Why?)
Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch-Part Six