jeudi 21 juillet 2016

No Topic...Just Ladies Chat ! #3

Thank You classwife. I've been using this forum recently as therapy. By luck my doctor discovered 2 Brain Aneurysms in late April. Within a short amount of time of discovering them I went in to the hospital for clipping. I went to zero nicotine but since I'm out went back to low nicotine to take the edge off.

It was a rough start. I'm on Blood Thinners and needed to be taken off those. But I still needed something to thin my I was put on Lovenox shots...I could administer these at home. 3 days before my surgery I wasn't feeling good and went into the ER. I must have hit an artery/vein and wound up for 3 days in the hospital with having 2 blood transfusions ( stealth vaped in the hospital bathroom ).

My surgery was out of the hospital on Sun and went back in on Fri to have the surgery. The doc was able to get the bigger brain aneurysm clipped but I was starting to stroke so he couldn't get to the smaller one. Will be evaluated again next month for the smaller one.

My head was cut open from the top of my forehead to the front of my ear. I was in the ICU and on the 3rd day was able to talk and walk. I then told my doc I wanted to go home. He said if I eat a hearty meal and walk a certain distance then he would release me...I did it and went home.

I never took any pain killers and when I went to see my doc a week later he called me a rock star of the hospital, LOL He nor any of his colleagues never heard anyone going this type of surgery w/o any pain meds. Probably why I was able to function better then most....not all drugged up.

So why is ECF helping me with my eye was at a 90 degree angle ( has since returned to normal ). My memory and coordination was a little bad. So with just welcoming members and trying to help out with questions are helping me with reading and writing...

Thank You ECF!!!

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No Topic...Just Ladies Chat ! #3

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